Our primary goal is our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. We pride ourselves on doing everything we can to make sure your order is exactly what you envisioned and we're not happy until you're happy!
GunNook originally started out as a community site and has grown from there. If you’re new and want to learn a little more about our community you’ve come to the right place. On this page you can find an overview of all of the features available on our community site. For more detailed information about each feature please check their respective pages or contact us. We also have a lot of exciting new updates and changes coming. With that said, let’s get started!
Join Our Community Today, it’s free and always will be!
Back in 2011 we realized there wasn’t a lot of information or online services available for local, smaller, gun shops, gun show organizers, and community website owners and we wanted to do something about it. We started one of the first interactive online state-by-state Federal Firearms License (FFL) dealer databases. Need to ship a gun to another state but don’t what FFL dealers are close? We’ve got it covered. We also offer Blogs, forums, link exchange programs, and advertisements to help promote not only our community but also our network of store owners, gun show organizers, and FFL dealers.
Shop owners, FFL dealers, and gun show organizers also have additional access and features on our website. In addition to the additional features, group members will also display a special image beside their profile on forum posts and their name will have a special highlight color to more easily stand out from the crowd.
Based on our research most smaller gun shops don’t operate online or even have a website. In today’s economy most consumers rely on their computer to research products and stores before ever stepping foot in a physical store. A growing percentage even price check or shop directly from their phones. GunNook wants to help give these smaller store owners that upper edge so they may remain competitive and in business for a long time to come.
Does your company have a firearm, tactical, survival, airsoft, or any other outdoor product you think our community would be interested in? Let us give a completely unbiased review and help promote it to your target audience. We’ll tell it like it is. If we like it we’ll make sure everyone knows it and where they can get it.
Does your company have a firearm, tactical, survival, airsoft, or other outdoor related products you want reviewed? Do you want information about your product to reach more potential customers? Then send it our way and let GunNook.com’s staff put it to the test!
We have standard tests depending on the type of product to be reviewed. But it’s your product and you’ll have a say in how we test it, if there are any specific features of your product you would like tested, just let us know and we will be happy to accommodate. On request, we can even do extreme testing that will push the limits of your product.
When all is said and done we’ll present a professional, fair and unbiased review for potential customers to see on the GunNook website, these reviews include a written review with photos and an HD video of the testing and results. The review will also be posted on our Facebook page.
We started out with one of the first interactive FFL Dealer databases. Simply by visiting your desired state from our interactive map you gain access to hundreds of listings including addresses, maps, and phone numbers. We are currently working on an an update to our FFL listing system that is going to be an incredible resource for not only FFL dealers, but anyone looking for an FFL dealer nation-wide.
The new system will be user friendly and give users looking for FFL dealers useful tools that will get them where they need to be with minimum clicks and also bringing FFL dealers closer with potential customers by giving them the resources they’ll need to get their services noticed.
Here is a short, but incomplete, list of some of the features. Customers will be able to browse hundreds of listings by simply clicking on their state of residence from the GunNook interactive map giving you detailed information relevant to the state selected, with info on such things as:
Did you know you can earn free stuff just for being an active member of the community? That’s right! Our awesome GN Points system awards active members free points for doing what they already do on the site. GN Points are our way of giving back to the community, and to award you for your time spent or knowledge shared with the awesome people that frequent our community. It’s also where we give you free items on us!! And who doesn’t like free things? Now you are awarded for certain forum activities and these points can accumulate as long as you remain active and can be exchanged for loot in the GunNook Point Shop.
So how do I earn these awesome points and what can you spend them on? It’s really simple. Chances are, the things you casually do when you visit GunNook anyway. But to answer that question directly, you get points for posting and replying, celebrating birthdays, posting polls, voting on polls, starting threads, referring new members, and more.
We utilize a rank system that awards members for being more active. The more you post the higher your rank will be. Post counts per rank is a secret to discourage spam. As a special incentive those users that reach the highest rank will receive forum recognition and GunNook prizes! If you’re already a member of the forums then your existing post count will carry over to this new system.You can’t lose rank so there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain so start posting!
We get it, user profiles on most community sites can be boring. Not ours! Our interactive GN Wall lets you instant message, add friends, track friends’ posts, share, like, dislike, Lol and comment. Our goal was to help bring familiarity and a better and fun way for you to communicate and get awarded for it. There’s nothing like sharing your thoughts and getting GN Points to spend at our point store!
With a bolstered algorithm, the mod brings statuses that are most relevant to you instead of just all statuses. It provides full flexibility in viewing all types of statuses around GunNook including friends, related statuses, group statuses, all statuses, and statuses of people your following. In addition, users can filter through statuses by types of statuses, popularity and time of when it was posted and so much more!
Service Banners are a way to show our appreciation for the men and women who serve this fine country of ours. Any community member that have or are currently serving are eligible for this prestigious honor. We at GunNook thank you from the bottom of our heart. Where will this shiny new cloak of honor be displayed? Why. every where you post of course! Instead of a boring plain user information block, like everyone else, represent your service.
These banners are tailor-made for each service. If you’re a member of the services and don’t have your banner let us know.